Transitioning Your Dental Practice: Strategies for Retirement or Selling Your Business

David C. Branch
3 min readSep 6, 2023


Are you a dentist who’s been pondering the idea of retirement or selling your dental practice? Transitioning out of your profession can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies in place, it can also be a smooth and profitable journey. In this blog, we’ll break down the essential steps and considerations for transitioning your dental practice, making it more understandable for a general audience.

1. Start Early: Transitioning your dental practice is not something that can be done overnight. Ideally, you should start planning several years in advance. This allows you to maximize the value of your practice and ensure a seamless transition.

2. Evaluate Your Practice: Begin by assessing the current state of your dental practice. This includes reviewing your patient base, financial records, and the overall health of your business. Knowing your practice’s strengths and weaknesses will help you make informed decisions.

3. Seek Professional Advice: Transitioning your dental practice involves legal, financial, and logistical complexities. It’s crucial to consult with professionals who specialize in dental practice transitions, including attorneys, accountants, and dental practice brokers. They can guide you through the process and ensure you make the best choices for your unique situation.

4. Decide on the Transition Type: There are several ways to transition your dental practice:

a. Selling to Another Dentist: This involves selling your practice to a qualified dentist who will take over your patients and continue providing care.

b. Associate Buy-In: You can bring in an associate dentist as a partner, with the intention of eventually selling them the remaining share of the practice.

c. Corporate Sale: Some dentists choose to sell their practice to a dental support organization (DSO) or a corporate entity.

d. Closing the Practice: If you’re not interested in selling, you may decide to simply close the practice. This is typically the least profitable option.

5. Set a Realistic Timeline: Once you’ve decided on the type of transition, establish a timeline for the process. Be prepared for it to take several months or even years, depending on the complexity of the transition.

6. Prepare Your Patients: Communicate with your patients about your transition plans well in advance. Assure them that their oral health will remain a top priority, regardless of who takes over the practice.

7. Get Your Finances in Order: Work closely with your accountant to ensure your financial records are accurate and up-to-date. This will be crucial during negotiations with potential buyers.

8. Negotiate Fairly: When it comes to selling your practice, it’s essential to negotiate a fair and competitive price. The value of your practice will depend on factors like patient retention, location, and equipment.

9. Complete Legal and Administrative Tasks: Ensure all legal and administrative tasks, such as transferring licenses and contracts, are taken care of during the transition.

10. Enjoy Your Retirement: Once the transition is complete, take some time to relax and enjoy your well-deserved retirement. You’ve worked hard to build your practice, and now it’s time to reap the rewards.

Transitioning your dental practice can be a challenging process, but with careful planning and the right guidance, it can also be a rewarding one. By starting early, seeking professional advice, and making informed decisions, you can ensure a successful transition into retirement or the next phase of your career.



David C. Branch

David C. Branch is a Mergers & Acquisitions Expert whose 30 years of experience in the industry see him as the Founder of Viper Equity Partners